Round table “Experience of rent decentralization for hydrocarbon extraction: regional dimension”

Access to Information — Other

Ukraine — May 29, 2024 @ 11:00am - 1:00pm GMT+02:00


Host Organization and Partners — Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ), Multilateral Group of EITI


The following issues are planned to be discussed during the event:
1. 6 years of rent decentralization: experience and challenges.
2. GovTech and CivicTech for rent monitoring.
3. Gas rent in production regions: we work together for the result.
4. Dynamics of oil, gas and condensate rents to local and regional budgets.
5. Subsoil rent: the view of companies.
6. Requirement 5 of the EITI Standard “Revenue Management and Distribution”.
7. Myths and reality: how does rent affect community life?
8. Recommendations on detailing the reporting of rent payments by the EITI.

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