Conversatorio RAGA Internacional: Perspectiva académica del Estado Abierto, Gobernanza

Access to Information, Anti-Corruption, Civic Space, Digital Governance, Justice, Public Participation — Seminar/Panel

Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay — May 28, 2024 @ 11:00am - 12:30pm GMT-03:00

Host Organization and Partners — RAGA INTERNACIONAL


En ocasión de la Semana de Gobierno Abierto OGP (OGP: 27-31/5/2024 – Open Gov Week), la Red Académica de Gobierno Abierto – RAGA Internacional realiza este Conversatorio de debate y divulgación en torno a los ejes centrales del I Congreso Internacional sobre Estado Abierto y Gobernanza, visto desde los nuevos roles académicos que se vinculan a dichos términos.

Participarán ponentes internacionales que a su vez forman parte del Comité Científico del Congreso.

Ester Kaufman, Presidenta del Comité y Coordinadora Internacional de RAGA: Introducción y presentación
Rita Grandinetti, Argentina, Centro Poli-Lab, Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
Cristina Zurbriggen, Uruguay, Departamento de Ciencias Políticas, Universidad de la República
Regina Pacheco, Brasil. Administración Pública y Gobierno. Fundación Getulio Vargas.
Carles Ramió, España. Ciencias Políticas. Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona).
José Luis Ros Medina, Secretario Ejecutivo de RAGA Internacional y Director del Congreso (Moderador)

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For one week in May, come together to share ideas, discuss solutions, and commit to new levels of citizen participation in government.

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Meet the moment. Raise ambition. Rise to the challenge.

The Open Government Challenge is a call to action for all members of OGP to raise ambition in ten areas of open government to help strengthen our democracies. Over the next five years, all members of the Partnership should aim to raise the ambition of reforms in 10 policy areas and demonstrate relevant progress in as many of the areas of the Challenge through their OGP action plans or beyond.We must act together to make a difference, because only when governments, public officials, and civil society work together, we see more ambitious and impactful reforms that transform our communities.

It’s our time to meet the moment. Let’s use Open Gov Week to take on the the Open Gov Challenge.


Open Gov Week