Penguatan dan Keberlanjutan OGP Local: Sebuah Praktik Baik Ko-Kreasi Pemerintah-CSO

Public Participation — Seminar/Panel

Indonesia — May 29, 2024 @ 1:00pm - 4:00pm GMT+07:00

BSM, Bappenas Suropati, Jakarta

Host Organization and Partners — International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development; Indonesia Judicial Research Society (IJRS)


Pada rangkaian acara Open Government Week 2024, INFID bersama Seknas FITRA lewat dukungan IJRS akan menyelenggarakan diskusi yang mengangkat tema “Penguatan dan Keberlanjutan OGP Local: Sebuah Praktik Baik Ko-Kreasi Pemerintah-CSO” Acara ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka meningkatkan kesadaran publik, menjaring masukan dari stakeholder terkait dan masyarakat, mengawal pemerintah dalam setiap kebijakan publik, serta merancang ulang keberlanjutan OGP Local, dll

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For one week in May, come together to share ideas, discuss solutions, and commit to new levels of citizen participation in government.

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Meet the moment. Raise ambition. Rise to the challenge.

The Open Government Challenge is a call to action for all members of OGP to raise ambition in ten areas of open government to help strengthen our democracies. Over the next five years, all members of the Partnership should aim to raise the ambition of reforms in 10 policy areas and demonstrate relevant progress in as many of the areas of the Challenge through their OGP action plans or beyond.We must act together to make a difference, because only when governments, public officials, and civil society work together, we see more ambitious and impactful reforms that transform our communities.

It’s our time to meet the moment. Let’s use Open Gov Week to take on the the Open Gov Challenge.


Open Gov Week